Five affirmations to replace negative self-talk and help you build success

One of the key psychological theories behind positive affirmations is the self-affirmation theory (Steele, 1988). There is MRI evidence suggesting that certain neural pathways are increased when people practice self-affirmation tasks (Cascio et al., 2016). The part of the brain involved with positive valuation and self-related information processing — becomes more active when we consider affirmations and the things that are important to us.

Setting an intention in yoga (referred to as sankalpa in Sanskrit) can be defined as a goal consciously decided upon ahead of time. Setting an intention in yoga can inspire, motivate, and create determination. Intentions can help you stay focused and keep your mind steady, which is a cornerstone of Mindfulness.

Affirmation cards from the Serenity & Solace Affirmation Card Deck

Affirmation cards from the Serenity & Solace Affirmation Card Deck

Here are five affirmations for success, taken from the Serenity & Solace Affirmation Card Deck.

I have great influence in my own success.

My aspirations are important. I won’t let fear hold me back.

I know that sustained effort and work towards my goals is always worth it.

I give thanks to myself for my efforts and the things I have achieved and seen through to completion. 

I take only useful, actionable learnings from criticism. I continue on the road towards my goals.

Feel free to make a note of any of the above affirmations which resonate with you and come back to them during your yoga or meditation practice. Another great place to put success affirmations is on a post-it in your workspace to read whenever you are feeling a slump or like you need a little boost.

What are your favourite affirmations and why do you like them?


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