Standing tall, shoulder health workshop (Zoom)


Thursday 17th June 2021 6:25pm - 8:00pm

Many of us suffer with shoulder stiffness and pain caused by stress or sitting hunched over a screen. This 90 minute workshop will help you improve your shoulder health and stand tall both by making strong the supporting muscles, and by releasing the tension stored there through dynamic and systematic stretching.

We will metaphorically be exploring how else we can stand tall through living our satya, our truth. Practicing satya requires staying open to truth in the present moment, as it reveals itself. When we know our truth, we can show up more confidently and authentically in the world.

All levels, beginner to advanced.

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Thursday 17th June 2021 6:25pm - 8:00pm

Many of us suffer with shoulder stiffness and pain caused by stress or sitting hunched over a screen. This 90 minute workshop will help you improve your shoulder health and stand tall both by making strong the supporting muscles, and by releasing the tension stored there through dynamic and systematic stretching.

We will metaphorically be exploring how else we can stand tall through living our satya, our truth. Practicing satya requires staying open to truth in the present moment, as it reveals itself. When we know our truth, we can show up more confidently and authentically in the world.

All levels, beginner to advanced.

Thursday 17th June 2021 6:25pm - 8:00pm

Many of us suffer with shoulder stiffness and pain caused by stress or sitting hunched over a screen. This 90 minute workshop will help you improve your shoulder health and stand tall both by making strong the supporting muscles, and by releasing the tension stored there through dynamic and systematic stretching.

We will metaphorically be exploring how else we can stand tall through living our satya, our truth. Practicing satya requires staying open to truth in the present moment, as it reveals itself. When we know our truth, we can show up more confidently and authentically in the world.

All levels, beginner to advanced.